What is social proof and why is it so important?

Listen to Podcast Episode 1: What is social proof and why is it so important?

We’ve all heard it at one point or another, “FOMO – fear of missing out”.  Well when it comes to your business and converting your visitors into customers, you want to bring on ALL the FOMO.  If a customer is checking out your products on social media or on your website, they will want to know just how credible your business really is. How good are your products or services?  

People’s decision making process is often validated through the behavior of others.  How many times have you thought, “well, so and so is doing it, so it must be great. I should be doing it, too!” Or before making a final decision on a product or service, how often do you check out the testimonials or reviews?

These are all things to think about when you’re building your business and brand.  This is social proof. The process of validating the credibility of a business, product or service of which a consumer goes through before making a purchase. 

Let’s take a quick look at what Wikipedia has to say about Social Proof: 

“Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.”

Oftentimes when we are in a situation that we are unsure about, we assume the people around us (experts, celebrities, friends, etc.) have more knowledge about what’s going on and what should be done. We look to their experiences to help guide our decision making process. 

There are a handful of different ways and types of social proof: Industry Expert Recommendations, Celebrity Endorsements, User Recommendations, Crowd Endorsements, the wisdom of your friends and family and Certifications.  Today on my podcast, I’m going to talk about just a few of these strategies and how they can help you elevate your business to the next level.

Listen to Podcast Episode 1: What is social proof and why is it so important?

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